Chanikarn (Mint) Wongviriyawong

Mint is a founder and CEO of EATLAB, a company that measures consumer satisfaction and suggests improvements to F&B industry. She founded EATLAB as the first spinout from KMUTT to serve leading food and beverage production companies by scientifically measuring consumer response to their new products. She provides consultancy to various agencies about innovation, data analytics, and common sense artificial intelligence.

Prior to joining KMUTT, Chanikarn was a former quantitative trader, and co-founded a startup, Matternet, while attending a program at Singularity University in Silicon Valley. Matternet is a commercial drone delivery network company that is currently serving UPS.

Mint graduated a PhD from MIT in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Political Science, a master degree from MIT Media Lab, and a bachelor degree from Carnegie Mellon University with double minors in Robotics and Computer Science.

Mint is speaking on Panel 7: The Next Byte