Lisa Terauchi

Lisa Terauchi

Born in Japan, raised in India and Hong Kong, Lisa Terauchi, the Executive Chef and co-owner of Confusion Plant Based Kitchen, had a multitude of varied experiences working in customer relations, finance and education before finding her true passion in the world of culinary creation. After switching to a vegan diet nearly three years ago, she seized the opportunity to create a dining establishment to meet the needs of a new but growing number of diners committed to a movement that focuses on Environmental Sustainability, Social Sustainability and Economic Sustainability.

The goal was to fill the void that was apparent for the growing number of plant-based diners, a restaurant serving something other than salads and raw juices, an establishment focused on preparing hearty and healthy cooked meals that were also affordable while bursting with flavour while being 100% plant-based. Focusing on balanced meals and ensuring zero food waste while also minimising the packaging waste by choosing menu options conscious of producing less waste has been a welcome challenge faced by Confusion Plant Based Kitchen and the response from the greater community has been positive overall.