Dining in Innovation
How technology and new science is shaping our dining experience — too much science fiction or way of the future?
Professor Lorenzo Pastrana
Head of Dept. of Life Sciences, INL
Professor Lorenzo Pastrana has a PhD in Pharmacy by the University of Santiago (Spain). He was postdoctoral fellow in the Centre de Transfert en Microbiologie et Biotechnologie–INSA at Toulouse. In September 2015, he joined the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory at Braga as Head of the Department of Life Sciences. He is author of more than one hundred fifty scientific papers and 4 licenced patents relating the development of new food products and process.
Johan Jörgensen
Founder and Partner, Sweden Foodtech
With 20+ years of experience in the Internet sector, Johan Jörgensen coaches and invests in Internet companies with scalable and disruptive capabilities. Since a few years, he has gone ‘all in’ on food. Solving the Big Question on how to feed soon 9 billion people in a healthy and sustainable way demands all the innovation we can produce. When the biggest industry on the planet gets disrupted, times will be exciting.